Documentation - Terms and Taxonomy Glossary


For more detailed information about this plugin or to view the online demonstration, please visit the product page on the developer's official website.

Author notes

We would like to express our sincere gratitude for choosing our plugin. We appreciate your trust in our solution and are excited to have you as part of our user community.

We hope that Terms and Taxonomy Glossary meets your expectations and is a valuable addition to your project. We developed this plugin with the aim of simplifying and enhancing the functionality of your WordPress website, and we are confident that it will help you achieve your goals efficiently. We are here to provide ongoing support and answer any questions or needs that may arise while using the plugin. Your satisfaction is our priority.

We wish you much success and productivity with Terms and Taxonomy Glossary. Your feedback is important to us, and we hope to continue improving our solution based on your suggestions and experiences.

Thanks again for choosing Terms and Taxonomy Glossary. We look forward to seeing you achieve great results with our tool. If you need assistance or have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Estevão Acioli - Expand UP

Installation by WordPress

After downloading your package, please refrain from loading the entire package before extracting the file. The package is in ZIP format, and you can use an application or program for unpacking it (such as 7zip, WinRAR, WinZip, or others).

Once you've extracted the file, navigate to the resulting folder and look for a subfolder named 'plugin.' Inside this folder, you will find a file with the same name as the plugin you intend to install. This file is also in ZIP format and needs to be installed on your WordPress site.

To complete the installation, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your WordPress website.
  2. Go to the 'Plugins' page in the WordPress Admin Panel.
  3. Select 'Add New Plugin.'
  4. On the plugin upload page, click on the 'Upload Plugin' button (or a similar option depending on your WordPress version).
  5. Browse for and select the ZIP file of the plugin you previously extracted.
  6. Click 'Install Now' and follow the instructions to activate the plugin on your WordPress site.

Please remember that plugin installation is a crucial step in managing your website, so follow these instructions carefully to ensure a successful integration.

Installation by FTP

Step 1: Preparation

Before you begin, make sure you have the ZIP file of the plugin you want to install on hand and unzipped. You will also need an FTP client such as FileZilla.

Step 2: Connect to Your Server via FTP

Start the FTP client (for example, FileZilla). Connect to your WordPress site's server using your FTP credentials (you'll usually find this information in your hosting provider's control panel).

Step 3: Navigate to the Plugins Folder

After connecting successfully, you will see a folder structure of your website on the right side of the FTP client. Navigate to the folder where WordPress is installed. This is usually done by going to the "public_html" folder or your website's root directory. Inside that folder, find the subfolder called "wp-content" and click to open it.

Step 4: Find the Plugins Folder

Inside the "wp-content" folder, you'll find a folder called "plugins." Click to access it.

Step 5: Upload the Plugin via FTP

On the left side of the FTP client, navigate to the folder where you unzipped the plugin file on your computer. Select all files and folders from the unzipped plugin. Drag these files and folders to the "plugins" folder in the FTP client (right side).

Step 6: Activate the Plugin in WordPress

After the files have been successfully transferred, access your WordPress site's admin panel. Go to the "Plugins" section in the menu. You should see the plugin you just downloaded listed among the available plugins. Click "Activate" under the plugin name.

Step 7: Configure the Plugin


Our plugin offers simplified configuration. To configure and customize access the General Glossary option


Glossary General

The general settings are the starting point for customizing your plugin. Here you can configure the color style for your glossary and make some other adjustments. Overall, the setup is very simple.

Two items deserve your special attention in this section. The first is the option to activate or deactivate the plugin, and the second point is the terms configuration. Terms are items created by you and are targets in your database, they can have public urls or not, and when clicked you can choose whether to redirect to the term's url or open related content in a popup. As illustrated in the image below:


Glossary Shortcodes

Our plugin integrates seamlessly with any WordPress page builder. It has two types of short codes, one for the terms created in the plugin itself and another for the taxonomies on your website


Glossary Terms

Have the freedom to create as many terms as you want with ease using our WordPress glossary plugin. The process is simple: just provide a title, corresponding content and, if desired, add a featured image (optional). It is worth noting that terms are automatically organized into alphabetical groups based on the names assigned to them.

image image image


Model 01


Open Popup


Model 02


Terms and Taxonomy Glossary
Plugin Version: 1.0.0

Expand UP WP - Plugins Development